Monday, January 5, 2009

A great anniversary present

We have offically owned our home for 1 year as of 01/03/09! I couldn't think of a better way for us to treat ourselves and our accomplishments than to have someone else sand and redo the upstairs floors. We have the ceiling in the guest room completely patched. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough time to tape and mud the ceiling. The walls just need 1 more coat of mud and some killz before we paint. I can't believe we are almost finished with the guest room. That room was one of the ugliest things I had ever seen in my life and I thought it would be years before we got to that room.

Here are our lovely sheet rocked ceilings. We're getting pretty good at this.
It's a little tricky sheetrocking coved ceilings.

So as I type this they are working on my floors. I am so excited to see them when I get home- I just can't wait. I am posting before photos and will be posting afters on Thursday so make sure to check back.

Guest room Floors:

Beneath all of that dirt is a lovely shade of orange.


These floors have to be the worst due to the water damamge shown above. The wood almost buckles from water damage.

The Hall:

I'll keep you posted. =)

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