Thursday, May 15, 2008

Dog Training and yard work

The dogs really need training. They are both dominant (one more than the other) and think they run the show. I think I am going to sign the naughtiest up for training this weekend and then we can practice what we learn on the other. We are the ones who really need the training. They just need some rehabilitation. Thank you, Cesar Milan.

So, onto yard work. I meet with Lindsay, the landscape designer tomorrow. She was in the Star Trib yesterday in Home and Garden for work she did that HGTV was there to film. How cool, a local celebrity designing my lawn. I hate to say it, but my neighbors are going to have some tough competition on their hands once we get going. =)

I need to get the stucco fixed before be paint the house but I'm desperate to paint it this summer. I have so many projects I want to get done. I want to have more than one going at a time. Please god, let someone leave an anonymous bag of cash at our front door. We'll put it to good use.

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